Faculty Resources

The Office of Distance Education and Online Learning

The Office of Distance Education and Online Learning (ODEOL) consisting of administrative, academic, and technological personnel, coordinates the scheduling, infrastructure and delivery of distance learning courses and works closely with each academic departments to ensure the quality of distance education at Tuskegee University. The Office of Distance Education and Online Learning' s primary focus is on designing and implementing best practices for students and faculty, providing eLearning training for faculty, students and administrative personnel, offering technical assistance for all groups, and providing general information for all issues related to eLearning.

The Office ofDistance Education and Online Learning (ODEOL) provides additional support in the area of distance education by providing the following services:

  • Professional development opportunities in the areas of teaching and learning
  • Workshops, information sessions, discussions, and webinars on a variety of distance education topics
  • Instructional and technical support for electronic learning
  • The production of audio, video, photographic and graphic media for instructional use
  • Assistance with the appropriate pedagogical use of technologies
  • Acquisition and loaning of software and hardware for faculty creation of multi-media materials.
  • Training Opportunities
    • TBA
      The Office of Distance Education and Online Learning is offering "Training for Teaching Online" workshops for all university faculty, teachingassistants, staff and administrators in order to create a cadre of enthusiastic and well-trained innovative educators for Tuskegee University online course offerings. There are NO on-campus meetings for this online course. This process starts with an 8-week fully-online course that focuses on how to build an effective online course and how to teachin the online environment.​

  • Online Training  - NO on-campus meetings for this online  training course. The Office of Distance Education and Online Learning is offering "Training for Teaching Online" workshops for all university faculty, teaching assistants, staff and administrators in order to create a cadre of enthusiastic and well-trained innovative educators for Tuskegee University online course offerings. There are NO on-campus meetings for this online course. This process starts with an 8-week fully-online course that focuses on how to build an effective online course and how to teach in the online environment. 

  • Contact us to enroll in "Training for Teaching Online"

    Dr. Moses Ntam

    Dr. Brett Coppenger

In addition to the resources in this website, ODEOL offers face-to-face workshops on instructional technology, course design, and other topics for online faculty. Contact us regarding current offerings or to schedule a group training session for your college or department.

Policies for Distance Education at Tuskegee University


Faculty Training Process

Peer Review for Online Courses